A Commercial Litigation Attorney Whose Skills Businesses Are Built On
Why do so many Texans go into business for themselves? Whether their dreams revolve around fame and success or a passion for serving their communities, corporate leadership calls out to many who want to make positive impacts. Operating a successful firm takes more than mere goodwill, however. Without legal support, things can quickly go awry.

Business doesn't always go according to plan, and when your best-laid schemes fail, you need legal backup. Commercial litigation lawyer B. Adam Terrell helps business leaders safeguard the empires they've worked to build no matter how small or large they may be. With decades of trial and negotiating-table expertise, our firm is fully prepared to go to bat for your company's fate.
When Do Business Disputes Deserve Legal Attention?
Debates are commonplace in the business world, and they're a healthy part of the decision-making process. At the same time, there's a clear distinction between passing differences of opinion and the kinds of lasting disputes that jeopardize companies' futures.
Severe business disputes can be just as devastating to entrepreneurs, investors, employees and other stakeholders as personal injuries are to families and individuals. In the corporate world, bad blood might result in significant financial losses that place other projects and initiatives at risk. If left unresolved, they may destroy companies entirely when disagreeing leaders and board members take sudden, unilateral actions or breach their fiduciary duties.
Businesses that become mired in disputes often fall apart.
I believe in stopping things before they get to that point. Although it's impossible to anticipate every disagreement that might mar a company's otherwise flawless management track record, proactive legal solutions can stem the tide of losses. As with all of my cases, I fight until I've successfully resolved my clients' issues by recovering awards on their behalf, and I have the comprehensive legal expertise to help Texan companies of all types and specializations.
Corporate Litigation Simplified
Corporate litigation serves a vast range of purposes in the modern business arena. For instance, a company that wants to expand its use of a proprietary technology might demand that its employees sign non-compete or non-disclosure agreements.
In other cases, firms need commercial legal aid to resolve asset disputes. For example, a company that operates a business plaza might decide to evict one of its commercial tenants or modify the terms of its leasing agreements to reflect its changing business model. Since such changes impact other parties, it's worth considering the possibility of confrontations.
Our litigation expertise produces results.
Having sound legal aid can also make it a lot easier to engage in common business activities. When companies want to expand to new states or counties, they need to know that they're jumping through the proper procedural hoops. They also need to have the correct plans in place to ensure that their current business practices won't run afoul of regulators elsewhere.
Commercial litigation may lack the flashy, dramatic nature of some other legal domains, but it's no less necessary. I believe in working hard to support the business communities that help Southeast Texas thrive, and this means not quitting until the job is done. My role is as important to me as my clients' business dreams are to them, so I'm proud to make their lives easier.
Take a Proactive Stance on Corporate Litigation
Managing corporate legal matters isn't just about reacting to existing problems with finely honed solutions. You must be able to anticipate lawsuits, regulatory backlash and a host of other issues that might not crop up immediately. This kind of foresight only comes with real trial experience, and I'm ready to put 28 years of genuine expertise to the test on your behalf.
Maybe you're fighting a negligence lawsuit brought by a disgruntled ex-employee. Perhaps you're trying to complete a merger or acquisition without too much interference from regulators. Regardless of how you want to make commercial litigation and law work for you, I can guide you through the entire process from drafting contracts to defending them in court. Initial consultations are always free, so why not pursue your business objectives?